
What’s New in Ripplestone 3.4.4


Below are the new features, updates and bug fixes for version 3.4.4


Scheduler Changes

Added New Copy Feature (

Added a new feature to the scheduler page to copy an existing job.


Display the Error message for Failed Jobs (

If a scheduled job fails, the Schedule History will display a link so the administrator can see what caused the failure.


Added new fields to display the Created and Modified Information (

The Edit Schedule page now displays who created the schedule and when and who last modified the record and when.


The Scheduled Documents Page Remembers the Last Clicked Item (

Updated the Schedule Document page to return and highlight the last viewed scheduled job when going to the Edit Schedule page or the Schedule History page. This new feature also remembers the rows per page that was selected.

Added a Date Token to the Unmanaged Output (

Added a new Date Token feature to the Unmanaged Output file name. By using the token of [DATE] in the file name field the system will insert the current date when the document is created.


Changed the Quarterly Interval (

Updated the Quarterly option to allow the user to select the last day or day of the week for the current quarter.


Added New Validation that will limit who can Edit and Delete Jobs (

Added new validation so that only administrators and the super user can edit and delete all scheduled jobs. For users that have scheduler access then can only edit and delete their own jobs; they cannot edit or delete jobs created by another user.

Added New Field to display the Next Run Date and Time (

Added a new field to display the Next Run date and time.



Bug Fixes

Fixed an Issue With the RS Express feature with Multiple Value Parameters (

If you are using the RS Express feature and you were passing in parameter values that has multiple values for the same parameter you would get an error. This has been fixed and you can now pass in multiple parameter values.

Crystal Reports new release Ripplestone

What’s New in Ripplestone 3.4.3


Below are the new features, updates and bug fixes for Ripplestone version 3.4.3.


Home Page

Use Parameter Name for Prompt Text (

If the report doesn’t have a value for the prompt text then use the parameter name for the prompt text


Scheduler Changes

The Ripplestone Scheduler Server Has Been Re-Written (

The scheduler server has been re-written to improve the performance and scalability.

Added New Yearly Option (

Added a new schedule interval of Yearly. This will run a job once per year using the Begin date for the month and day and the start time for the time of day to run.



Edit Folders Page

Added New Fields to Track Who Changed the Folder and When (

Added two new fields to track who changed the record and when it was changed.



Edit Document Page

New Unique Key for RSExpress (

There is a new option for RS Express that allows the Administrator to turn on or off the RS Express feature.

There is also a new option that will require a unique key to be added to the query string. This will make the feature more secure and make it harder for a user to guess at document ID’s

Both of these new options can be set on the System Setup and Configuration page on the first tab. These global options can be overridden for each report on the Edit Document page


Global Options on the System Setup and Configuration Page


Individual Report options on the Edit Document Page


Added New Fields to Track Who Changed the Report and When (

Added two new fields to track who changed the record and when it was changed



Remove Duplicate Entries from the Dynamic Parameters (

When using the Ripplestone Dynamic Parameter feature if the values for the parameter had any duplicates the list would stop loading at the first duplicate. This version will ignore any duplicates when loading the parameter pick list.

Fixed Bug when Editing a Report and Moving it to a New Folder (

When a user would click on a different folder in the Edit Document page the document would not get moved to the new location. This has been fixed and the document is now moved to the folder selected.



New User Options (

Users can now override the global settings for the Use Minimal Home Page and Display Favorites.

With the Use Minimal Home Page, the user can use the global setting or turn on or off the feature. With the feature on, the home page will display the least amount of data. This is helpful for very large sites or if there is a slow connection.

With the Display Favorites as Home Page, the user can use the global setting or turn on or off the feature. With the feature on, the home page will display the favorites when they login and not the standard home page. This is for the user that has the reports that they use most often added to their favorite’s area. They can still access the home page by clicking on the Home link

Below is the Edit User page with the new User Options tab displayed with the two new options.



System Setup and Configuration

Added New Option for the Home Page (

Added two new options for the home page. Both of these new options can be changed by each user.

Minimal Home Page – This option only displays the essentials needed for the home page. Extra information is not displayed. This is helpful when the connection is not fast or the users do not need the extra information.

Display Favorites As Home Page – This option allows the favorites to be displayed as the default home page. This option is for the users that want to quickly see all their favorite reports first.



Bug Fixes

Fixed a Issue with Users Marked as Inactive (

If a user has the Active flag un-checked they were still able to login to the system.





What’s New in Ripplestone 3.4.2


Below are the new features, updates and bug fixes for version 3.4.2

Home Page

More Detailed Messages when running a report (

If the Crystal Report fails when running; a more detailed message will be displayed. This can help in trouble shooting the problem.

Change the Menu for scheduled History (

When the user is logged in as a Super user, Administrator or a Scheduler then the menu option changes to “Scheduled Documents”. If the user is a normal user or Publisher they see the menu as Scheduled History.




Scheduler Changes

New Option to use Adobe Reader for Printing (

This new option will allow the Administrator to use Adobe Reader for printing directly to a printer. This allows for a second option when the Crystal Report Engine will not print.



Added the Schedule Name and Location to the Top of the Page (

Added the Schedule Name and the Folder Location to the top of the page. This will help when clicking on the tabs to know which report you are working on.



Added New FTP Transfer Type (

A new option has been added to the FTP section of the scheduler to allow the scheduler to select between Binary and Ascii for the transfer method.



Edit Document Page

Added Validation for Saving to the Home Folder (

New validations were added if you try to publish a report to the Home folder or move a report to the Home folder. A new validation message will appear if you try to save the document to the Home folder.


Bug Fixes

Fixed a Issue Where the Report Viewer Disappears (

When using Internet Explorer if the user moved the mouse to certain sections of the page the Crystal Report view would not be visible. The CSS style sheet was changed to fix the problem.

Fixed a Date Format problem In SQL Server (

When saving dates into the Ripplestone SQL Server database the program was not adding leading zeros. For example, the date January 4th 2013 at 9:30 AM was formatted as 201314 9:30 and it now is formatted as 20130104 09:30

Fixed Duplicate Database Connection Problem (

If the system had a pick list database connection and a connection string pick list connection string with the same name the system would get an error on the edit dynamic parameter page. The page will now display both items with a the identifier “(connection string)” behind the name.

Crystal Reports new release Ripplestone

What’s New in Ripplestone 3.4.1


Below are the new features, updates and bug fixes for version 3.4.1.  This version was released on October 2nd, 2013.

Home Page

New Blue Blocks Wide Skin (

This new release includes a new skin that is wider and also left justified. This skin works well for wider reports and larger monitors.


Scheduler Changes

Added New Hourly Option for Start and End Times (

Added a new option to the scheduler to allow hourly jobs to have a start and end time. This is useful for hourly jobs that you only want to run during business hours.



Added New Option to Use Roles for the Email Addresses (

A new option has been added to the Email tab that will allow the scheduled job to get the email address from the users that belong to the role used to run the scheduled job. This saves the administrator the task of maintaining the list of email addresses within the scheduled job. You can still enter email addresses in the To field and they will also be emailed the report.



Added New Active Flag (

On the Edit Schedule page, a new active flag has been added to make it easy to turn on or off a scheduled job while keeping all the data. This replaces the old method of setting the interval to Inactive.



Edit Folders Page

Added New Validations (

On the Edit Folders page, new validations have been added.

  • Moving Folders – You cannot move the folder to the same folder
  • The Folder Name will have any spaces removed before and after the name
  • Folder Name with special characters are not allowed / ? < > : * | “
  • Cannot add or move folders in the system Shared folder
  • Cannot delete the system Shared folder

Bug Fixes

Fixed an Issue with a Report Parameter in the Scheduler (

There was an issue when the scheduler attempted to run a report that had a null value for the parameter.

Fixed an Issue with the Publish a Document link (

There was a problem with the link when the user was logged in as a Publish role and they tried to link on the Publish a New Document link.

Fixed a problem when updating the name of the Home node (

There was a problem when an Administrator would try to change the name of the Home node on the home page.